Beloved Parishioners and Friends of St. Mark,
This is a follow up to my earlier letter that detailed the plan of the parish during this time of social isolation. I will be posting daily updates and messages to inspire hope and deepen our faith as we move through this time together. Remember we are not alone! God is with us, cares for us and will be with us always even until the end of time. Our faith reminds us of this (Matthew 28:20) and also implores us to act on this belief by inspiring hope to those in our homes and in our neighborhoods. As your pastor please know that I am praying for you daily and will be offering the following hours of presence in the church where I will offer my time and prayer for all of you. Many people wonder what a priest does all day and now more than ever people are probably wondering if we are doing anything at all. Speaking and meeting with someone just yesterday, he was concerned that I wouldn't be available to meet. He thought that I would have gone on "vacation" to be with my family. Well, I am with my family - YOU! All of you are my family and I will remain with you especially at this time to offer my support, prayers and fatherly presence.
Now to answer the question about what a priest does all day outside of the celebration of public Mass and administration of the Sacraments (which is a very good question!), here is my daily schedule:
Monday & Thursday | 7-9AM, 1-3PM & 6-8:30PM |
Tuesday | 7-9AM |
Wednesday | 6-8:30PM |
Friday | 7-9AM, 6-8:30PM |
Saturday & Sunday | 7-9AM, 1-3PM |
The above times are when I will be present in prayer following my prayer commitments stated above. Please come to pray at the church where Jesus is truly present to us in the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome!
In Christ,
Father Dallas
*PLEASE NOTE: Since this message was published, the church is no longer open. In keeping with the governor’s order, Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne has directed that all Catholic churches, chapels and shrines throughout the state be closed.