We are coming to the closing days of Lent so we are nearly finished with our Lenten practices. Soon we will be going back to the things we gave up. We will be free to lift the restrictions we have placed on ourselves during Lent, though the restrictions from our government will remain. Easter will not be restricted, postponed or canceled - only our celebrations of it will be hindered. We are still to rejoice and should rejoice in the joy of the Resurrection at Easter, but there will be a sense still of penance, fasting and almsgiving due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This is not fair, right? I thought we were done with Lent and penance and fasting and almsgiving! God’s clear and obvious response, “No, no, no and no!” These practices of Lent are necessary for our lives here on earth, because we are not living for this world. This time especially reveals to us what has always been true, but not as clearly true as it is today. We will be living perpetually in sort of Lenten time until the day we reach heaven.
So, let’s not complain but let’s accept these challenging times as an opportunity to better prepare ourselves for the eternal Easter that awaits us! This Easter of 2020 is only an small foretaste. With that said, let’s keep up the good works by reaching out especially in this time to our neighbors in need.
As I mentioned in my last update letter, many have been helping relatives, friends and neighbors in need during this time. One particular example I heard about was particularly unique and clever. A woman who lives near an elderly neighbor dropped off 3 colored pieces of construction paper at her neighbor’s home - red, yellow and green. She gave the instructions to place the paper in her front window according to the following method: Green meaning everything is fine, Yellow indicating that she needs groceries or some help around the house, and Red is emergency and needs to be taken to the hospital or doctor. What an excellent way to both help a neighbor in need and also comply with the isolation restrictions!
So, yes, we can enjoy and should enjoy the celebration of Easter and look forward to relaxing some of our practices of penance, fasting and almsgiving, but not give them up completely. We need to help each other, and remind ourselves and others that our true joy is yet to come.
Soon Lent will be over, but let’s remember, our neighbors are still in need, especially now during this pandemic. Our penance will endure because we have not yet reached our final destination. Fasting endures because we continue to enjoy with moderation the things of this world as our hearts, minds, and bodies long for fulfillment which only God can provide at the eternal Easter, communion with God in the Heavenly Kingdom.